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Evolving Body Odor Across Different Life Stages, Can that Be Fixed?

ZChez Boodparset

Updated: May 28, 2024

There’s probably a reason behind the smell

Our natural body odor goes through several stages of age-dependent changes in chemical composition as we grow older. Similar changes have been reported for several animal species and are thought to facilitate age discrimination of an individual based on body odors, alone.

Evolutionarily, body odor has been used to communicate messages about potentially dangerous stimuli in the environment. Body odor produced during particularly stressful situations can produce a cascade of reactions in the brain according to the study.

Exercise Regularly

"Sweat's main purpose is to help the body cool down," says Jodi Ganz, M.D., a dermatologist at Piedmont. Sweat glands release sweat onto the skin, which then evaporates and helps reduce the body's internal temperature.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” — Jim Rohn"

As an older adult, regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Just 30 minutes per day of physical activity, It can prevent or delay many of the health problems that seem to come with age. It also helps your muscles grow stronger so you can keep doing your day-to-day activities without becoming dependent on others.

Clean Eating: as Many Fresh Vegetables as Possible

It's a fact that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check, according to nutritionists.

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” – Hippocrates, Ancient Greek physician

Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. They also contain fiber. A diet high in fruit and vegetables can help protect you against cancer, diabetes and heart disease. The nutrients found in vegetables might help to reduce signs of aging, minimize your risk of developing a chronic disease, keep your eyes healthy and so much more.

Manage Your Stress

While everyone will react to stress differently, there do seem to be some similarities between age groups. In general, many older people tend to be better at managing stress because they have the perspective to know that it will pass and the self-awareness to know how they can get through it.

Nature can help decrease your anxiety levels and can help lessen stress and feelings of anger. Exercise can also help this, but it's even better when you're outside. Regular access to green spaces has been linked to lower risks of depression and improved concentration and attention

Your Living Areas

Decluttering and organizing your home will save you time in the day-to-day and clear out your space from distractions. Studies show a clean home makes people happier! Cleaning can also give a sense of satisfaction that will put you in a good mood.

A mattress that is not regularly cleaned is likely to serve as an abode for lice, bed bugs and all sort of allergens. It could also harbor molds and dust mites, all of which pose serious threat to your health and the well-being of your loved ones.

"A clean bedroom is directly connected to better sleep and better health, Studies shows"

If left unchecked, your mattress can accumulate dead skin, dust mites, dirt, and a whole lot more. Regular mattress cleaning is important to extend the lifespan of your bed, and also to reduce allergies

Limit Tobacco Intake

Within 1 to 9 months of quitting: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease. Your lungs and airways are more able to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection. Within 1 year of quitting: Your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of someone still using tobacco.

Stay Connected with Life After 60 Club

More information about new tips and ideas about lifestyle and wellness from help manage your stress, exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep, and pursue self-care activities.

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